ebony spleenwort การใช้
- The same goes for the less-aggressive, foot-tall ebony spleenwort.
- The formation of proliferating buds in ebony spleenwort has also given rise to a taxonomic treatment.
- Except for the tip of its leaf blade, it largely resembles its ebony spleenwort parent.
- He also created the epithet var . " typicum " for the normal form of ebony spleenwort.
- These fire-adapted species included goatgrass, rattlesnake fern, ebony spleenwort, lady's tresses and foxtail barley.
- Ebony spleenwort has broad habitat preferences, growing both on rocks like many other North American spleenworts and in a variety of soils.
- This has allowed ebony spleenwort to be an early colonizer, from distant locations, of recently disturbed habitats, such as coal spoils in southern Iowa.
- While globally secure, ebony spleenwort is considered an endangered species in some of the provinces at the northern and western edges of its North American range.
- In 1953, he reported preliminary cytological studies on the " Asplenium " s and suggested that " A . montanum " had crossed with ebony spleenwort ( W . N . Clute had already made tentative suggestions along those lines.
- A similar plant collected from limestone in Shepherdstown, West Virginia could have originated from the same parents, from an unreduced ( diploid ) gametophyte of Scott's spleenwort crossed with walking fern, or from an unreduced walking fern gametophyte crossed with ebony spleenwort.
- Ebony spleenwort is also well-adapted to propagate by spores : the upright sterile fronds help the spores enter the airstream for long-distance dispersal, and a low genetic load allows spores that have grown into a gametophyte to self-fertilize with a high degree of success.
- The species originated as a hybrid between mountain spleenwort ( " Asplenium montanum " ) and ebony spleenwort ( " Asplenium platyneuron " ); " A . bradleyi " originated when that sterile diploid hybrid underwent chromosome doubling to become a fertile tetraploid, a phenomenon known as allopolyploidy.
- Among them are animals like the Okaloosa darter, the bog frog, the alligator snapping turtle, the Florida pine snake, Bachman's warbler and the bald eagle, and plants like bogbuttons, Chapman's aster, the ebony spleenwort, the toothed savory, the perforate reindeer lichen, the pond spicebush, naked-stemmed panic grass and the pineland hoary pea.